Ancient Agendas takes you to that point thousands of light-years distant and slightly above the galactic plane where Carmen had detected an intense concentration of consciousness at the end of Inheritance. What the Sunaj scientists discover there takes you further into the realms of the impossible.
Emergence, Factotum and Inheritance form the foundation for humanity’s expansion into the galaxy, and what they will do when they go there. Sam Baxter’s tongue-in-cheek comment at the end of Factotum that humanity is “Factotum to the Cosmos” is a harbinger of what is to come. In Inheritance we see an example of the role humanity will play when they venture out. In Ancient Agendas that role is more fully established.
In writing Agendas, the possibility of another book became clear, and I have already finished the first draft of The Urritan Legacy.
So read Emergence, Factotum and Inheritance if you haven’t, and buckle-up!
Humanity is on its way!