Emergence Promotion Dates Set

Emergence-by-CA-KnutsenI have been talking about the need for reviews to set the stage for a promotion of Emergence. Thank you for the reviews!   I have set the dates.  The Emergence eBook will be discounted from $3.99 to $0.99 from August 22 to September 5.

I have made arrangements with 20 services to send out a notice to their email lists on various day during that period.   People on these lists are eager to get free or discounted eBooks.  The combined number on these 20 different lists is several hundred thousand.

Besides sales of Emergence, this process will raise visibility of the Janus Unfolding series and possibly create sales of Factotum and Inheritance.  Also, there may be additional reviews which is always a good thing.  This is my first time through this.  I hope it yields fun results.




2 thoughts on “Emergence Promotion Dates Set

  1. Gail

    Cory, I l8ke the images with quotes. Haven’t heard of Scrivener. Sounds promising and will check it out. I couldn’t reply to your post today about it as there was no reply button. So am replying on this one.

    Good process you have evolved to. I must get started with Sheri too.

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